понедельник, 7 ноября 2011 г.

Каталог публичных "Каталогов ИТ услуг"

В блоге нашел список публичных Каталогов ИТ услуг.
Если вы занимаетесь ITILом то очень рекомендую, по крайней мере как образец демонстрации  ихнего подхода вашему "тупому" заказчику. Особенно когда он играет в "микроменеджмент" и "полное покрытие"

IT Service Catalog Examples

Someone recently reminded me that it is always easier to edit than to create from scratch.
So in keeping with the release of our New Book on the importance of the IT Service Catalog I thought the readers of this blog might appreciate some links to examples available on the web.
However, before you go on to navigate the links in search of example service definitions I want to qualify that these links do not necessarily represent the best practices we discuss in our book. That being said they do provide you with a glimpse at some real organizations that are kind enough to put their cookies on the table for all to sample.

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